It’s time for some true confessions. When was the last time you heard words coming out of your mouth and could literally hear your mother’s voice saying the same thing from your childhood? For example, maybe you warned someone not to run with scissors. In so many ways, we can find ourselves becoming like our parents and grandparents. However, you probably inherited more than those phrases and mannerisms from your family. Family history plays a huge role in our health journeys, including our own vein health. So, let’s take a look at just how genetics affect vein problems. 

All In the Family: How Genetics Affect Vein Problems

Family History: How do genetics affect vein health? 

Children are very observant, and you may very well remember if your grandparents had varicose veins during your childhood. If so, you are at a higher risk to develop varicose veins yourself.

Chronic venous insufficiency can hinder your enjoyment of life, resulting in symptoms such as varicose veins, swelling, tight or itchy feelings in your calves, painful leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, and more. And you guessed it, having a family history of chronic venous insufficiency increases your chances of developing the same condition.

All In the Family: How Genetics Affect Vein Problems

More seriously, if you have a family member who has suffered from a pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis, you are statistically at a greater risk of developing the same. If this describes your family, you should be sure that your doctors know and if you have signs of vein issues yourself, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation today. Early detection could save you a lot of pain and discomfort down the road. A simple consultation and ultrasound can diagnose any issues and a treatment plan can be started before you experience any lasting issues or worsening symptoms.

All In the Family: How Genetics Affect Vein Problems

Prevention: Are we powerless since it’s genetic? 

Regardless of your family history, there are some things you can do to help prevent or minimize the impact of vein disease. So implement some of these simple things into your lifestyle to increase your chances of beating the odds! 

  • Consider not wearing very tight clothing 
  • Choose flat shoes more often 
  • Try to avoid crossing your legs 
  • Avoid sitting or standing in one position for too long 
  • Make an effort to move more throughout the day 
  • Exercise consistently – a simple routine of walking regularly
  • Work towards a healthy size and shape for your body
  • Elevate your legs when sitting for long periods
All In the Family: How Genetics Affect Vein Problems

Are you at risk or experiencing symptoms? Schedule a Free Vein Screening

Having a glimpse of what the future may hold can be intimidating, but rather than ignoring it do come in for a free vein screening so we can determine the best treatment plan for you. Schedule an appointment today.

Read more about non-invasive ways to improve your vein health and exercises you can do to help here: Your Healthy Vein Checklist and Top 5 Exercises for Vein Health

See amazing Before & After pics of real patients Dr. Gardner has treated here: 18 Year Old Treated for Varicose Veins and Sclerotherapy Treatment for Painful Varicose Veins