Chances are that if you are visiting our website today then you or someone close to you suffers from a venous disorder. An all-too-common problem that nearly 40 million Americans suffer from is varicose veins. The Vein Institute is proud to provide the first FDA approved injectable foam that treats varicose veins without surgical intervention! Let’s dig a little deeper and provide you with details to see if Varithena may be right for you.

The Ugly Truth of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, ropy veins that bulge like cords beneath the surface of the skin, and typically appear dark blue or purple in color. Varicose veins are superficial veins that have become abnormally dilated due to improper blood flow. When working properly, veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. When these valves fail, blood begins to pool and pressure builds within the veins. This then causes the veins to dilate and become more visible, as well as uncomfortable. The main causes of varicose veins are

  • family history of venous disease
  • obesity
  • aging
  • pregnancy
  • standing on one’s feet for prolonged periods of time

Varicose veins can cause aching, itching, and throbbing, as well as burning and cramping. Conservative varicose vein treatment at home involves elevating your legs and wearing compression stockings to promote proper blood flow and reduce swelling. This can provide some relief but many people are unfortunately far beyond the help of treating the chronic pain and unsightly appearance of varicose veins at home. When conservative treatment methods are no longer sufficient to help, we have to go to the next stop. Dr. Gardner would then consider minimally invasive medical treatments, such as Varithena, as the next recommendation to reduce pain and improve overall appearance for our patients.

Why Varithena?

Varithena is the first FDA approved microfoam injectable substance that treats venous disease such as varicose veins. Varithena is typically prescribed for use in the Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) area found in the legs. When the veins within the GSV area begin to malfunction due to the risk factors mentioned above, the veins begin to swell, become ropey, and/or bulge. This, in turn, causes leg pain, throbbing, swelling, and the visible appearance of veins. A major benefit of Varithena is that it is an injectable foam substance which does not require surgery, sedation, or anesthesia and is a minimally-invasive procedure.

How to Get Treatment

If your interest is peaked regarding Varithena being a course of treatment for you, let’s talk it over! Simply contact The Vein Institute at Southern Surgical Arts for a free consultation with Dr. Gardner. Dr. Gardner will then review your medical history, perform a physical assessment, and discuss if Varithena is an option for you. Our office staff with then verify insurance if applicable and discuss any financial responsibility beforehand.

What to Expect During a Varithena Procedure?

During a Varithena procedure, Dr. Gardner numbs the affected area that is to be treated. Then he will inject the Varithena foam by either catheter tubing or via a needle into the malfunctioning vein(s). The foam substance will fill the vein and then cause the vein wall to collapse. The blood within the collapsed vein will then flow into nearby healthy veins. A typical procedure will take no more than 30 minutes and patients can typically resume their normal daily activities that same day.

What to Expect After Treatment?

Upon completion of your varicose vein treatment, you will need to wear compression stockings for a couple of weeks to aid the healing process. Most people can resume their typical activities but strenuous exercising should not occur until at least 1 weeks post-treatment. Dr. Gardner will recommend for you to walk at least 10 minutes every day to help with blood flow. You will notice an improvement in appearance directly upon completion of just one treatment! The course of treatment and number of treatments needed will be determined by Dr. Gardner based on the size of the malfunctioning vein and the number of veins needing to be treated. Typical post-treatment side effects are leg discomfort and bruising at the injection site. As always, our office staff will be available should you have any questions or complaints that may arise after your treatment.

So, now that you know a little more about Varithena, are you ready to kiss those varicose veins goodbye and celebrate your beautiful, healthy legs? You can learn more here. 423-551-8346 today to schedule your consultation to see if Varithena is right for you!