Case Study: Leg Pain & Varicose Veins Gone After 30 Years of Suffering

Leg Pain & Varicose Veins Gone After 30 Years of Suffering

Sex: Male

Age: 65

Complaint: Leg pain and worsening varicose veins over 30 years

After 30 Years, His Leg Pain & Fatigue are Gone

Varicose vein pain relief in the past was invasive and very painful, leading many people to choose to suffer from the pain of their varicose veins rather than undergo risky and painful procedures. Many people with varicose veins suffer in silence, afraid to seek treatment. And as time goes by, the pain generally gets worse. This 65-year-old man came to us hoping to find relief after 30 long years of suffering.

Dr. Gardner & his staff examined him to determine the best method of treatment.  After undergoing procedures on both legs, he reported great improvement in his symptoms. He is very happy with his final result – mainly the leg pain and fatigue are gone.

These Before and After pictures of the patient show before when he was in such pain, and the relief of his symptoms resolved. Thankfully, these results are typical for most patients.

To learn more about Varicose Veins read Varicose and Spider Veins 101,  Vein Issues Play No Favorites: Who’s at Risk for Varicose Veins?,  Q & A: Vein Treatments for Men or We Don’t “Strip” Veins Anymore!