Case Study: Successful Treatment of Swollen, Painful Legs

Successful Treatment of Swollen, Painful Legs

This 48-year-old female suffered from bilateral leg pain and swelling for many years. Her job requires her to stand for long hours. She was also embarrassed about how they looked and hasn’t worn shorts in many years. She was referred to Dr. Gardner for treatment.

After several treatments using modern techniques, she has regained the power back in her legs. The fatigue is gone and she notes improvement in her both leg pain and swelling. Now that the large bulging veins are gone she is much more confident in how she feels. She says for the first time in a decade she will be wearing shorts this summer.

Leg pain and swelling can be caused by other issues not related to the vascular system. You should consult a doctor to determine the causes and treatment plan. If you are local in the Chattanooga area, request a consultation with Dr. Garnder now.

“… for the first time in a decade, she will be wearing shorts this summer.”